In this guest post from a member of the Strength in Numbers club located at several local high schools in South Orange County, a student explores the topic of why teens often find themselves caught in the web of comparison. From the pervasive influence of social media...
This year, more than 2 million Americans will apply to college. The college admissions landscape has gotten more competitive as the number of applications rose by 30% between 2019-2020 to the current cycle according to a recent data release by the Common Application....
Thanksgiving is in the rearview mirror and the holiday break is right around the corner. That means two weeks of no school and a lot more at-home time with your teen. Their first instinct might be to hang on the couch on their phone all day, which is understandable....
Perfectionism, often celebrated in today’s society, exacts a toll on teens’ mental well-being. As a parent navigating their increasing independence, it’s crucial to combat external pressures from classmates, celebrities, and social media. Amidst...
In our increasingly interconnected world, young people have unprecedented access to news and information concerning global conflicts, including those from the ongoing conflict in Gaza. These graphic images and videos can make these events feel closer and more real...
Unused and unwanted prescription drugs can easily end up in the wrong hands, posing significant dangers and potentially leading to tragic consequences. Clearing out your medicine cabinet of unwanted and unused medications is a simple and effective way to keep your...